Boxing Day has many traditions. Most commonly know for:-
- Gift Giving (boxed) by employers /employees
- Staff taking left overs in a box home after the Christmas Celebrations
- Churches counting their boxes with Money to spread to the poor
- Capturing of a wren into a box to ask for a good harvest
It has changed over the years and kids today know it as a day to count their money save through the year (plus their Christmas bonuses) followed by a spending spree in the Sales!! In other words after the heavy spending of Christmas, shops reduce their prices so that you cannot resist their sales.
Here in London sales can be very stressful. It is not unheard of that people camp outside NEXT so when it opens at 4am on boxing day, they are the first in to grab the best goodies!! However, if you want to avoid the rush, you can actually bet the queues and mad rush by shopping online.
Personally to me…. it is a time to Shop! Shop! Shop!